
The governors of St Anne’s Catholic Primary School bring their knowledge and experience of different areas of life and use these to aim for excellence in caring for and educating all the children in our school.

The governors are entrusted with ensuring that the school is run well so as to promote pupil achievement. Their key duties include:

  • Setting the strategic direction the school is to take
  • Deciding on the policies
  • Selecting the objectives
  • Approving the school’s annual budget
  • Reviewing the progress made
  • Acting as a ‘critical friend’ in both supporting and challenging the Headteacher

Additionally, the Foundation Governors (7 of the 12) have a legal duty to:

  • Preserve the Catholic character of the school
  • Develop this Catholic character
  • Ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with its Trust Deed. (An important aspect of this involves supporting and upholding the Catholic ethos of the school).

The governors consider themselves lucky to be blessed with such a strong and positively committed staff as well as a very supportive community which constantly encourages our children to always aim for excellence.

The governors hope that you find this website both useful and informative.

If you wish to contact me please email clerk to governors at or leave a message at the school’s office.

Mike Shaw
Chair of Governing Body

Link to statutory guidance:

You can contact the Clerk to Governors on 0151 709 1698 or email

St Anne’s Catholic Primary Governing Body for 2023-24

Name Category Date Appointed/
Appointed By Term of Office Roles and Links
Mrs G Murphy Head-teacher 01/09/2019 Governing Body N/A Headteacher
Mr M Shaw Chair



01/09/2024 Archdiocese 4 Years Attendance  Behaviour

Staff Wellbeing

Pupil Leadership Team

Mrs J McKenna Vice Chair

Foundation Governor

25/02/2024 Archdiocese 4 Years Assessment

Deputy Safeguarding

Mr M Armstrong LA Governor 09/11/2020 Local Authority 4 Years Health & Safety
Art & DT
Miss A O’Callaghan Foundation Governor 21/12/2020 Archdiocese 4 Years Safeguarding


Ms Serir Parent Governor 12/01/2024 Parent Election 4 Years PE
Miss A Kayayan Foundation
01/09/2024 Archdiocese 4 years Curriculum




Dr T Phillips  Foundation Governor  02/06/2021 Archdiocese 4 years Finance

Pupil Premium

Sports Premium

 Miss E MacKenzie Foundation Governor 04/02/2022 Archdiocese 4 years Maths
Miss A McCann Staff Governor  31/10/2022 Staff Election 4 years  


Mr L Delahunty Foundation Governor 10/07/2023 Archdiocese 4 years
Ms G Chan Parent Governor 13/05/2024 Parent Election 4 Years

                                                                Mrs C Keegan (Deputy Headteacher) also attends meetings as an observer.

Register of Pecuniary Interests 2023-24


Name Declaration of Interests
Mrs G Murphy Governor at Abercromby Nursery
Mr M Shaw None Declared
Mr M Armstrong Trustee City of Liverpool Lions Club
Miss A O’Callaghan Assistant Headteacher St Aloysius Catholic Primary
Ms A Kayayan Teacher Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Mrs J McKenna  None Declared
Ms D Serir None Declared
Dr T Phillips None Declared
Mrs E MacKenzie Headteacher St Clare’s Catholic Primary School
Ms A McCann None delcared
Ms G Chan Trustee of Liverpool Chinese Christian Disciples Church

Download: CES Governors Code of Conduct [PDF]

Governor Meeting Schedule 2024-25

Autumn Term 1 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting
Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 5:00pm

Autumn Term 2 2024

Full Governing Body Meeting
Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 5:00pm

Spring Term 1 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting
Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 5:00pm

Spring Term 2 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting
Tuesday 18th March 2025 at 5:00pm

Summer Term 1 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting
Tuesday 20th May 2025 at 5:00pm

Summer Term 2 2025

Full Governing Body Meeting
Tuesday 1st July 2025 at 5:00pm

Further Governor Information

Download:  Governor Attendance 2023-24 [PDF]

Former Governors

Download:  Former Governors [PDF]

Governors’ Induction Pack (link below)

New governor induction pack produced by St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School. This pack helps to explain the roles and responsibilities of being a governor, how the governing body is structured in our school and how the governing body carries out its duties.

This pack includes the following:

  • The responsibilities of a governor
  • The different types of governor
  • The responsibilities of the Head teacher, Leadership Team and the Chair of Governors
  • Being an effective governor
  • The governing body membership and structure
  • Useful terms and abbreviations

Relevant supporting information can be found on the school website.

Download: GovernorInduction2023 [PDF]

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.