Download: Music – Curriculum on a Page [PDF]

DOwnload: 2024 Music Development Plan

Download: Music Policy 2022-2023 [PDF]

Download: Music – Learning Progression [PDF]
Download: The Interrelated Dimensions of Music [PDF]
Download: Year 1 – Progression Map [PDF]
Download: Year 2 – Progression Map [PDF]
Download: Year 3 – Progression Map [PDF]
Download: Year 4 – Progression Map [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Progression Map [PDF]
Download: Year 6 – Progression Map [PDF]
Download: Long Term Progression of Charanga Units [PDF]

External Link: Please click here to find the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Music

Music Vision

Plato once stated that: “Music is a moral law, it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” Saint Anne’s believe in this message by providing a musical curriculum that allows for every child to have meaningful and purposeful musical experiences in their lessons. Our musical curriculum promotes the logical, spiritual and artistic talents of our pupils.

Our music curriculum teaches children several key aspects such as;

  • How to express themselves in a creative way
  • Using music as a means to explore a range of emotions
  • Understand how music can be and is unique to both countries and cultures and therefore identity
  • Know that music is unique to each individual
  • Finely tuned listening, appraisal and performance skills that increases confidence and raises awareness of self-achievement
  • Becoming sensitive and well aware of the impact music has had and captured in the world around us (both past and present)
  • That learning an instrument is a life-long skill which will bring enjoyment for many years

Our aims for every child;

  • Learn to use our singing voices expressively and appropriately
  • Learn how to use tuned and untuned percussion instruments effectively to create a desired sound
  • Have the opportunity to learn an orchestral or otherwise recognised musical instrument
  • Have a sense of awareness of audience and performance environment
  • Maintain the ability to perform solo and as part of an ensemble
  • Respond to their own, each others ,live and recorded music through appraisal skills and discussion
  • Have a strong understanding of the inter-related dimensions of music in order to both play and compose pieces
  • Engage pupils in a variety of musical experiences that will ignite their imagination, engagement and involvement at all ages

Cultural Capital

Download: Cultural Capital [PDF]

Above you will find a document which outlines how music as a subjects creates and provides opportunities for our children at Saint Anne’s Catholic Primary School!
Liverpool Resonate Music Hub- Music Services for School Children

Saint Anne’s Catholic Primary School are delighted to work so closely with Liverpool Resonate Music Hub who provide us with fantastic educational support. However… did you know that Liverpool Music Services are available outside of “school” also?

Does your child express interest in singing?

Does your child play an instrument and would like to perform?

Does your child simply love music?

If the answer is yes to any of the above please contact Resonate Music Hub for more information- please see the web-page below for more details.

External Link: Resonate Music Hub

External Link: Useful Musical Pieces To Explore with your Child

External Link: BBC Ten Pieces

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.