Reception (Sycamore)

Hello and welcome to Sycamore Class page! Here you will find information regarding your child’s learning and all relevant updates! The staff working with your child this year are:

Class Teachers: Miss Brown

Support Staff: Ms McCormack & Miss Lord.


Our PE day is TUESDAY. Children should come to school in their PE kit. Joggers may be worn over PE kits in the colder months and removed for the PE session.


Seasonal snack is available for all children. This can include (but not limited to) cereal, toast, fruit, crackers, cheese, sandwiches, brioche, water and milk. If you would like to support this we welcome a voluntary contribution of £1.00 a week (20p a day) but any donation is gratefully received.

What to bring to school daily

Water bottle with fresh water only

This will be available to them throughout the day and will be refilled by staff if needed. Parents & carers will be able to monitor how much water intake their child has had as we will send bottles home daily for washing and refilling.

Book Bag

Book bags containing their reading book should be brought to school daily as your child will read their book every day.

Outdoor Coat

Any coat/jacket suitable for the weather. School coats/fleeces may be purchased (optional) from the uniform stockist.


Learning Journeys



Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.