Please find below some of our policy documents. This is not an exhaustive list and should you require a document which is not listed please contact school and make a request for a copy.

A paper copy of any of our policies is available free of charge to parents by contacting the school office.

Download: Anti-Bullying Policy September 2023 [PDF]
Download: Accessibility Plan 2023 [PDF]
Download: Acceptable User Policy Staff Governors Volunteers 2023 [PDF]
Download: Acceptable User Policy Vsitors-Contractors 2023 [PDF]
Download: Acceptable User Policy Parents 2023 [PDF]
Download: Acceptable User Policy Pupil Symbols 2023 [PDF]
Download: Acceptable User Policy Pupil KS1 2023 [PDF]
Download: Acceptable User Policy Pupil KS2 2023 [PDF]
Download: Admissions Policy 2024-2025 [PDF]
Download: Admissions Policy 2025-2026 [PDF]
Download: Asthma Policy 2023 [PDF]
Download: Attendance & Punctuality Policy [PDF]
Download: Behaviour Policy [PDF]
Download: Breakfast Club Policy [PDF]
Download: Charges and Remissions Policy [PDF]
Download: Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy [PDF]
Download: Supporting Children and Young People with Medical Conditions in School [PDF]
Download: Lost or Missing Child Policy [PDF]
Download: The Non Collection of Children Policy [PDF]
Download: Child Protection Policy 2023-24 [PDF]
Download: Complaint Policy and Procedure [PDF]
Download: Policy for Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints [PDF]
Download: Parent Carer Code of Conduct .[PDF]
Download: Privacy Notice [PDF]
Download: Data Retention Toolkit for Schools [PDF]
Download: Remote Education Policy [PDF]
Download: Early Years Foundation Stage Policy  [PDF]
Download: Intimate Care Policy.[PDF]
Download: RSE Policy [PDF]
Download: Online Safety Policy [PDF]
Download: Online Safety Social Media Policy [PDF]
Download: Prayer and Liturgy Policy [PDF]
Download: School Meals Contract [PDF]
Download: SEND Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Dinner Money Arrears Policy [PDF]
Download: Data Protection Policy [PDF]
Download: Drugs Education and Management Policy [PDF]
Download: Equality Information and Objectives [PDF]
Download: Equality Statement [PDF]
Download: Health & Safety Policy 2023 [PDF]
Download: Snow and Bad Weather Policy [PDF]
External Link: Financial Benchmarking
Download: Homework Learning Policy [PDF]
Download: Whistleblowing Policy [PDF]
Download: Lockdown Procedure [PDF]
Download: Parent Carer Code of Conduct. [PDF]
Download: Young Carers Policy [PDF]
Download: Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy [PDF]
Download: Policy Statement on External Links [PDF]

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.